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Use Cases

Reaching Generation Z consumers

Ria Vrancken

March 10, 2023

Generation Z is highly active on social media, that is why it is more effective to use newer, more innovative research channels such as social media surveys. This method allows for greater engagement, real-time insights, and a deeper understanding of this demographic group.

From gathering trends & insights to the purchase frequency & pulse check of the next generation, we've got all the answers you need, in real time.

Understanding how GenZ thinks and what drives their choices

Limitation of traditional market research channels - Generation Z consumers are not accurately represented

  • Lack of engagement: Generation Z is used to highly engaging and interactive experiences online, and traditional market research channels do not offer the same level of engagement. This results in low participation rates and a lack of meaningful data. 
  • Sampling issues: Traditional market research channels may have sampling issues when it comes to Generation Z, as this demographic is highly diverse and is not accurately represented through traditional survey channels
  • Time constraints: Generation Z is often short on time and is not willing to spend a lot of time on traditional market research activities such as traditional surveys or focus groups. 
  • Different communication preferences: Generation Z often prefers to communicate through digital channels such as social media and instant messaging, rather than traditional channels like phone, email and panels. 

Boomerang Ideas  - the revolution in market research

How to reach and understand Generation Z in an easy, cost-effective and scientific manner:

  • With our innovative research tool Boomerang Ideas, companies can easily and cost-effectively reach and understand Generation Z, without the limitations and sampling issues of traditional market research channels.
  • Our tool provides real-time insights, making it the most effective way to capture the attention and opinions of Gen Z.
  • The social-media-algorithm is developed in collaboration with researchers from the University of Zurich, a reputable academic institution with expertise in data analysis and research methodology. This collaboration ensures that the algorithm is based on sound scientific principles and rigorous testing.
  • Boomerang Ideas is reinventing surveys with a novel methodology allowing representative samples on the most recent channel: Social media. No need to be a social media expert due to A.I.-based self-service for the entire process.

How to start your Boomerang Survey

  1. Create your survey for your target audience in our easy-to-use tool  with just 3 clicks
  2. Watch your responses in real-time.
  3. Receive your raw-data and a presentation-ready PDF report.

All this in under 7 days.

Settings used in our survey wizard for this use case

Example of a completed Boomerang

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