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Use Cases

Test a name for your new product

Claudia Boker

August 19, 2021

Test a name for your new product

Are you launching a new product? What should your startup be called?

Increase your sales potential by obtaining consumer feedback before choosing a name for your product. Branding and marketing campaigns are more effective when you know how consumers react to the name of your product. Consider sharing your name idea with your potential customers, and then ask them if they like it.

Is it unique in their eyes? What do they think of the name of your brand? What makes it different from its competitors? How easy is it to pronounce? To determine the right name for your idea, refer back to the feedback you received. 

With a Boomerang Ideas survey, you can verify if your target market likes and understands your new name. With our A/B testing feature, you can compare multiple ideas, and you can identify consumer demographics and assess client satisfaction

Remember the Mitsubishi Pajero debacle? Try not to make the same mistake and throw a Boomerang today!

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We provide you with valuable insights that will increase your pitch-credibility in an easy, cost-effective and scientific manner, leading to better results and ROI for you and your clients. Boomerang ideas brings you benefits in a fast, cost-effective, and trustworthy manner: 

  • Boomerang Ideas is a powerful tool for marketing agencies looking to enhance their pitch with market research, allowing them to gather valuable data quickly and cost-effectively.
  • With Boomerang Ideas you can present the data clearly and effectively: You can use the charts, graphs, and other visual aids provided to you by our tool to help illustrate your points and make the information more accessible to your audience.
  • The social-media-algorithm is developed in conjunction with researchers from the University of Zurich, a reputable academic institution with expertise in data analysis and research methodology. This collaboration ensures that the algorithm is based on sound scientific principles and rigorous testing, and that it has undergone thorough peer review.
  • Boomerang Ideas is reinventing surveys with a novel methodology allowing representative samples on the most recent channel: Social media. No need to be a social media expert due to A.I.-based self-service for the entire process.

How to start your Boomerang Survey

  1. Create your survey for your target audience in our easy-to-use tool with just 3 clicks
  2. Watch your responses flowing in in real-time.
  3. Receive your results and a presentation-ready PDF report.

All this in under 7 days.

Settings used in our survey wizard for this use case

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